
詹妮弗·杰特&A: committed to responsible governance

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詹妮弗·杰特, Vice President, Governance 和 Corporate Secretary

詹妮弗·杰特, 副总统, governance 和 corporate secretary for Sempra, works closely with Sempra’s 董事会 和 executive 管理 team to advance the company’s 高性能的文化 有一个锐利的焦点 安全, 卓越运营, good governance 和 embracing the power of 多样性和包容性.

Learn more about Jett 和 her work in this Q&A:

What are your responsibilities as 副总统, governance 和 corporate secretary for Sempra?

我们的利益相关者, 包括股东, look to Sempra to operate our business with integrity 和 transparency, 和 to align our business operations with 我们的使命 to be North America’s premier energy infrastructure company.

在我的角色中,我和我们的 董事会高级管理人员 on a broad range of governance matters, corporate disclosures 和 compliance with the rules 和 procedures for making decisions about the company’s business, 和 I help identify the roles 和 responsibilities among key players within the company (the board, 管理, 股东, 监管机构及其他 利益相关者).

I also previously served on the 董事会 of Infraestructura Energética Nova (IEnova), Sempra’s energy infrastructure business in Mexico which is now a part of Sempra’s newly formed business Sempra基础设施, 和 externally as a board member for the 企业董事论坛.

At Sempra, we’re committed to responsible governance across the enterprise. 我们如何努力实现这一目标?

Our governance processes sit within a robust ecosystem that is strengthened by our stakeholder commitment, our 董事会 和 shared accountability in achieving our 战略重点. Our culture of continuous improvement means every employee is empowered 和 encouraged to bring this mission-focused integrity to their everyday work.

We expect our leaders to demonstrate integrity, honesty 和 respect in their words 和 actions, 为了维护我们的 商业行为准则. All Sempra employees complete three m和atory ethics 和 compliance training courses each year. This training covers a wide range of topics including 安全, discrimination-free 和 harassment-free workplaces, 信息管理, 保密及私隐, 环境保护, 慈善活动及其他. Our board is also responsible for complying with a code of business conduct for directors 和 principal 和 executive officers.

Our board monitors overall governance processes in an oversight capacity, while each 操作公司的 管理 team is responsible for implementing these policies 和 managing risks, 安全 和 compliance issues 和 the day-to-day operations of their respective companies.

多样性和包容性 are key to our high-performance culture. How does that perspective extend to our 董事会?

I’ve been involved in governance matters 和 worked with Sempra’s board off 和 on for over 16 years, 和 I have seen a commitment to 多样性和包容性 从第一天起. Our directors speak up when they see opportunity to improve the diversity of our board or our 管理 team. It’s inspiring to see their forward-thinking leadership 和 underst和ing that diverse perspectives drive better business outcomes. It’s a critical piece of how Sempra has for years successfully outperformed our peers on this front.

We’re proud to have numerous female perspectives 和 a variety of racial backgrounds represented on our board, 和 we’re also excited by the diversity of experiences, professional backgrounds 和 other perspectives that strengthen our board’s overall business acumen. Whether it’s a director who has vast experience in the energy industry or one with a heavier governmental 和 policy background, we try to assemble a diverse group because we believe this makes our board 和 company stronger.

Our board does a great job leaving egos at the door 和 focusing on the collective whole of our company 和 what is needed for continued success. 每年, we are evaluating the board 和 asking: what are our skills, what is our composition 和 where could we improve?


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