
From climate action to youth-oriented causes — Sempra employees give back to their communities

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Meet some of our employees that make differences in their communities and how Sempra and the Sempra Foundation support them

无论是为有需要的人收集基本必需品, participating in volunteer cleanups and beautification events or supporting emergency services and 救灾 efforts, 员工开着森普拉 公司家族 是否参与了一系列有益的慈善事业 改善他们的社区环境. 他们的努力不仅止于奉献时间, 能源和/或资金-森普拉基金会, 是由森普拉资助的吗, donates money for every hour an employee volunteers with a nonprofit organization in addition to matching employees’ monetary 贡献.

Here’s a glance at the work some of our employees are doing in their communities.


Carmen Ortega and Michele Shimose of SoCalGas volunteer at a nonprofit in Southern California卡门·奥尔特加,加州森普拉银行的汇款处理主管 SoCalGas她不仅仅是一个充满激情的社区志愿者. 她还是一位充满激情的社区志愿者的母亲.

Ortega, 和她的女儿Michele Shimose一起, 他是SoCalGas的财务绩效项目顾问, 是否积极参与慈善活动, like 合脚的鞋子, 慈悲之心 and 洛杉矶地区食品银行横跨洛杉矶县. Together, they have organized the collection of shoes and backpacks for 400 children in need. Ortega said it’s about more than just giving children shoes and backpacks — it’s fulfilling their basic needs.

“这给了这些孩子一个像其他孩子一样的机会, 有尊严地上学,奥尔特加说, 谁在森普拉家族公司工作了38年. “A new pair of shoes brightens up a child’s self-esteem and helps bring out a positive attitude for them to face their day.”

Shimose said their charitable efforts are more impactful because they are Sempra employees.

“The support that the Sempra Foundation provides means that my individual volunteering is compounded and increases the impact one person can have,Shimose说.

Photo: Carmen Ortega and Michele Shimose of SoCalGas volunteer at a nonprofit in Southern California


森普拉基础设施公司的哈维·瓦格纳说, 民航巡逻队的志愿机长, 在飞机前摆姿势When Harvey Wagner isn’t fulfilling his job duties as the director of project development for Sempra基础设施他是森普拉(Sempra)运营公司的一名船长 民用空中巡逻 (CAP)是一个志愿者组织,也是美国政府的官方辅助机构.S. Air Force. When Wagner is on a mission, he is focused on keeping people safe and saving lives. 任务包括搜索和救援行动, 救灾, 荒地消防支持和流行病应对, 仅举几个例子.

“Volunteering with the CAP allows me to continue to serve my country and community using my skill set and passion for aviation while maintaining a separate professional career,瓦格纳说。, 他在森普拉家族公司工作了8年. “We make direct positive impacts in the community through numerous types of missions. Knowing that Sempra has my back when I volunteer helps me to focus on carrying out these and other critical missions safely and successfully,他说.

图片来源:Sempra基础设施公司的Harvey Wagner, 民航巡逻队的志愿机长, 在飞机前摆姿势


在一次志愿者活动中,艾莉森·托马斯停下来拍照艾莉森·托马斯总是会参加支持慈善事业的活动. Thomas, an executive assistant at Sempra for six years, has been involved in 环境全明星, 产生良好的,圣地亚哥奥杜邦协会,我爱干净的圣地亚哥, 美好的厨房斯克里普斯牧场剧院和拉霍亚剧场等非营利组织.

The list of charitable causes may sound overwhelming, but Thomas loves all of it.

“I love working with many organizations that provide opportunities to work with like-minded individuals,托马斯说. “积极参与社区活动对我来说很重要,我喜欢回馈社会. It is wonderful that Sempra is so supportive especially with the volunteer hours matching program.”



Taylor Sais, municipal infrastructure advisor for regional public affairs at Sempra California’s SDG&E, said his background in environmental science coupled with the power of volunteerism sparked his desire to support causes such as the 新港湾保育协会 and the Agua Hedionda泻湖基金会.

“Watching community members come out for a common cause to protect the bay really motivated me to see what else I could do to support the Newport Bay,赛斯说.

更重要的是动机? 有雇主支持的.

“It is amazing to have Sempra support employees’ charitable initiatives as many employees put a lot of their time into these organizations,赛斯说.

In fact, the employee-match donation from the Sempra Foundation helps bring low-income students to the bay.

“Many of these students live within 10 miles from Upper Newport Bay and have never visited the ocean, 更不用说湿地了,赛斯说. “The Sempra Foundation’s donation helps contribute to the bussing of these students to and from the nature preserve.”


而纳瓦自愿帮助清理公园而纳瓦, 森普拉基础设施公司的行政协调员, is involved in all parts of the Sempra基础设施 Foundation’s work where education, 清洁能源, 紧急救济和志愿服务是重点. 在森普拉家族公司工作了四年, 纳瓦说,她很少错过在社区做善事的机会.

“当我有机会的时候,我总是喜欢帮助别人, 我不会多想,纳瓦说. “我利用一切机会支持它. It will continue to be that way as long as I belong to this great Sempra 公司家族.”

Nava has volunteered with Patronato Francisco Mendez to help paint recreational facilities and Mexican Food Banks Association to help collect beans and rice.

纳瓦说,她很自豪能成为北美领先品牌的一员 能源基础设施公司 这也侧重于人道主义努力.

“It means a lot to me to belong to a company that is also a humanitarian company where we can all help whoever needs it,纳瓦说.

Photo: 而纳瓦 of Sempra基础设施 devotes her extra time to causes supported by the Sempra基础设施 Foundation in Mexico


截至9月. 30, 2023, 森普拉家族公司的员工已经捐赠了超过24个,为慈善事业提供了000小时的志愿服务. To support their volunteer efforts, the Sempra Foundation has donated nearly $200,000.

森普拉基金会总共捐赠了2美元.300万美元 员工捐款 的慈善事业. 2023年1月1日至9月1日. 30, 2023.

为了庆祝“捐赠星期二”, the Sempra Foundation hosted another Double Match Day for Sempra employees on Nov. 28, double-matching any donation an employee made that day to a valid nonprofit, 501c3 organization.

有关森普拉基金会的更多信息,请访问 semprafoundation.org. To explore career opportunities with the Sempra 公司家族, visit our 职业页面.

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