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黛博拉·马丁, vice president of talent managementAs Vice President of Talent Management for Sempra, 黛博拉·马丁 is responsible for helping advance Sempra’s 高性能的文化. Maintaining the company’s reputation as a top workplace is one of her highest priorities, working with departments across our company to recruit, 维护 和 培养一流人才 to advance the 全球能源转型. 在这个问题中了解更多关于马丁的信息&A:

What are some immediate 和 long-term goals as Sempra’s new vice president of talent management?

My ultimate goal is to build on the success of 我们的高绩效文化 so that we can continue to be an employer of choice 和 continue to attract, retain 和 develop some of the best talent. 我们文化的很大一部分是生活 我们的价值观 — do the right thing, champion people 和 shape the future.

在这个角色中, I have the position of working with the departments within our organization that have extensive interaction with our employees. 这些团体包括人力资源, 组织发展, 好处, 道德、合规和薪酬. These teams bring new talent into the organization, develop that talent, provide top-notch 好处 来支持这些人才, 和 provide avenues for investigation 和 remedying problems when we don’t quite get it right. I want to help ensure we are championing our people with every interaction 和 at every stage of this process.

What trends do you see in the talent l和scape within the energy sector? We are currently in a highly competitive market for talent. What differentiates Sempra 和 our 公司家族 from others as a best place to work?

As with the talent l和scape in general, employees are becoming more discerning in where they want to work, whether it is in terms of compensation 和 好处 or looking for a culture that is a good fit for them. Sempra offers an exceptional culture, 和 we are constantly working to improve 和 evolve. 最近,我们被列入了 圣地亚哥最佳工作地点 by 圣地亚哥联合论坛报, 和 it was especially gratifying because the result was entirely based on feedback from our employees.

Sempra是 许多奖项 that recognize 和 validate our efforts, including being named one of 《十大最佳博彩网站评级》杂志的 World’s Most Admired Companies for 2022, for the 12th time, 和 being named one of 美国最负责任的公司 by 《十大最佳博彩网站评级》 这是连续第四年. 此外,森普拉被命名为 《十大最佳博彩网站评级》 管理250人名单, exhibiting a five-star rating in the employee engagement 和 development category.

One of the 奖 I really believe sets us apart is the recognition we have received for our 可持续性 efforts. 我们得到了认可 投资者商报 as 排名第一的公司 对于这两个 可持续性财务业绩. For 可持续性, Sempra ranked first in the U.S. Utility Sector, 和 was 13th overall on the list. Our company’s focus on 可持续性 means a lot to me personally, 可持续发展是我们的核心 企业战略, underpinned in Sempra’s proactive management of 环境、社会和治理 风险与机遇.

Our 高性能的文化 drives our mission to be North America’s premier energy infrastructure company. 森普拉的文化对你来说意味着什么?

From my perspective 和 in my experience — this is a place where you can 拥有你的事业. If you look around Sempra, you see that many employees change roles. 例如, I am a lawyer that transitioned to a business role, 和 there are many other colleagues with similar stories.

We also provide an abundance of resources for employees to grow 和 learn in their current positions 和 areas of expertise. We invest a substantial amount in employee development, 和 we are working to make those resources easier for employees to access. 但更根本的是,我们以 同理心和盟友关系.

A great example of how we embrace 和 encourage those concepts is our enterprise-wide annual 多样性 和 Inclusion Summit, where we bring in experts 和 outside speakers to help us improve 和 thrive. This inspiring event, which we have put on for the last decade, helps us 创造一种归属感的文化 that allows our employees to thrive as individuals 和 collectively 电梯了 公司作为一个整体.


在Sempra, we believe we have one of the best workforces in the industry 和 that 我们的高绩效文化 continues to be our differentiator. 在我们 公司家族, 我们的20,000 employees regularly respond to challenges with composure 和 resilience, while 维护ing our world-class safety st和ards 和 delivering energy with purpose. 了解更多全球最大的博彩平台如何 培养一流人才维护 我们的高绩效文化.