
米奇·米切尔Q&A: Building a Culture of Belonging

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米奇•米切尔, Senior Vice President of 多样性 and Community Partnerships

米奇•米切尔 recently joined Sempra’s 高层领导团队 as senior vice president of diversity and community partnerships. 在他的新角色中, 米切尔将致力于通过领导集体努力来推进公司的高绩效文化 多样性和包容性 (D&I) within Sempra, its 公司家族 and in the communities it serves.

以前, 米切尔曾担任圣地亚哥天然气公司负责州政府事务和对外事务的副总裁 & 电气(西班牙&E) and Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas), Sempra’s regulated California utilities.

在森普拉之外,米切尔一直致力于回馈社会,推动积极的变革. 他目前担任洛杉矶儿童医院基金会董事会成员. He also sits on the board of directors for Sharp Healthcare, 圣地亚哥艺术博物馆, Voice of San Diego and the Partnership for a Better San Diego.

With a passion in helping underserved communities, Mitchell is a member of the Jacobs & Cushman Food Bank Advisory Board, the Lucky Duck Foundation board focused on homelessness,  圣地亚哥住房委员会的委员,之前是加州小胡佛委员会的州长任命.

了解更多关于 米奇•米切尔 and his new role furthering Sempra’s 高性能的文化 在这个Q中&A:

说说你自己吧. What are you passionate about and what are your hobbies outside of work?

我坚信,是这些年来我所经历的各种有趣的经历塑造了今天的我. These experiences span across the labor, 非营利组织, 业务, 以及政府部门, 给了我各种各样的视角,使我能够从多个角度看待机会和问题.

工作之余, 你经常可以在圣地亚哥北县101号高速公路旁的咖啡馆或餐馆找到我,或者在爱德怀尔德享受山间空气. I’m a big fan of long walks and trying good coffee, 我经常会在当地的咖啡店里享受那里的香气和环境. 这些天, 我19岁和21岁的孩子都上大学了,旅行也不那么紧张了, I do find more time to read for leisure, 冥想, 和放松, and that’s something I really value.

最近, 你被任命为森普拉有史以来第一位负责多元化和社区合作的高级副总裁. What are your main objectives as you take on this role?

米奇•米切尔 enjoying coffee and art

Sempra has been a vocal and consistent leader in our industry related to diversity, 在我的新角色里, 我非常高兴能帮助建立一个更具包容性和高绩效的文化,让所有员工都能体验和接受. 我的主要目标是帮助营造一个环境,让所有员工都能感受到真诚的归属感和与工作的联系, Sempra的 使命及价值观和彼此.

Knowing that this area is multifaceted, everyone involved in the D&I effort wants to find out more about what our employees want to learn, what’s important to them about enhancing our culture, and to understand the questions they have about D&I. 我认为这将是令人兴奋的部分——与整个森普拉的员工建立联系 公司家族 and learning more about how we, as employees and 的同事们 individually and collectively, can embrace these conversations and make them a part of our everyday environment.

I want these conversations to be driven by a shared, 坚持不懈地致力于为所有利益相关者提供更好的绩效, 的同事们, 团队, 作为一家公司. I want our culture to be driven daily by our sense of belonging and connection, instead of being driven by high-profile media 事件. I would like discussions around D&我想成为一个可见的人, daily part of our work at Sempra, and our hope is that people embrace our efforts to help shape and enhance our culture.

拥抱不同的背景和观点,促进包容性的环境是森普拉高性能文化的组成部分. Sempra在促进工作场所和社区的多样性和包容性方面已经做了哪些工作?


We are starting off with a strong foundation. Our Local 多样性 and Inclusion Councils (LDICs), 社区的对话, Supplier 多样性 programs, 深思熟虑的员工发展是我们将在此基础上建立的一些当前实践的例子, with a focus on integrating these efforts in unique ways.

我想真诚地强调我们文化的一个方面,通过赞扬Sempra家族企业的ldic所做的努力,它真正发挥了作用. They focus on 包容 and education and have been fantastic ambassadors for our culture. 很快, 我们将通过我们的员工资源小组(ERGs)发起一项新的努力,这将在我们全公司关于种族的对话中发挥不可或缺的作用, 包容与归属.

我还想感谢我们在公用事业部门的采购实践,因为它们是几个行业的顶级典范. 他们正在做我们承诺要做的事情:为越来越多的人才拥有的企业创造新的机会, diverse entrepreneurs who are also helping build a new high-performing, diverse workforce while providing excellent services to our utilities.

An example of the procurement 团队’ good work is highlighted in the fact that in 2020, 我们的两家加州公用事业公司都从不同的供应商那里购买了超过40%的商品和服务, 这标志着供应商多样性连续第八年超过加州公用事业委员会的目标.5%.

帮助我们在员工之间建立更大联系的一件具体事情是我们的一系列社区对话. While working remotely due to the pandemic, we leveraged video platforms as a setting for these conversations, 使我们能够交流, collaborate and come closer together while having to remain physically apart.

我们最近举行了一次社区对话,重点关注针对亚洲和太平洋岛民社区的暴力事件的增加,100名员工在观看, 参与, and learning — a testament to the enthusiasm and interest of Sempra’s employee culture. What these 社区的对话 revealed to us is that there are D&I-related questions that people are sometimes hesitant to ask.

By attending a Community Conversation, other employees might ask a question that others have had on their mind, and at that moment the question creates a safe space for dialogue on key topics, leaving participants with new knowledge and potentially a new perspective. 这是一个强大的文化可以在工作场所做出贡献和培养的例子.


米奇·米切尔及其团队 member

One of my favorite quotes, which I reference often, is from Martin Luther King Jr. who said, “人 fail to get along because they fear each other. They fear each other because they don’t know each other; they don’t know each other because they have not communicated with each other.”

在我们生活的社会里,你可以和一个人一起工作20年,但并不真正了解他们. 让我们的文化不断进步的一个简单方法就是真正努力去了解彼此. This could happen by learning more about another person’s cultures, 传统, 海关, or activities embraced within various ethnic communities. It also could be as easy as learning more about a colleague’s family or hobbies. This knowledge can create understanding, and that understanding can help foster a sense of belonging and connection.

继续推动关于D话题的积极对话将是极其重要的&I and creating a sense of belonging at Sempra. When you have a culture where people feel included and a sense of belonging, you will indeed have a high-performing work culture that connects people, 是有效的, and creates meaningful outcomes every single day.

对多样性和包容性的需求不仅仅是在会议上给每个人一个机会来权衡一个问题. 这是一种理解,即倾听多种观点,可以通过构成我们多元化家庭的员工和同事所拥有的各种镜头来看待情况. 当人们觉得自己有机会被倾听,并真诚地感到自己属于这里时,高绩效的文化就会受益.