May 24, 2023

Sempra CEO details strategy for growth on CNBC

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在洛杉矶接受美国全国广播公司财经频道主持人吉姆·克莱默的采访时,杰弗里·马丁谈到了森普拉的三个问题 growth platforms, record $40 billion capital plan, ESG leadership and commitment to the service of others.

Sempra决定简化其业务模式,专注于在一些最具吸引力的市场开发能源基础设施 in North America is one reason the company is successful today, Jeffrey W. MartinSempra董事长兼首席执行官吉姆•克莱默(Jim Cramer)本周在CNBC的《全球最大的博彩平台》(Mad Money)节目中表示.

“By narrowing our business strategy and improving our capital discipline, it is paying dividends,” Martin said. “Over the last three years, 我们以股票回购和分红的形式向股东返还了50亿美元, while growing our adjusted earnings per share at roughly 10% annually.”

Today, that same strategy supports a record $40 billion, five-year capital plan, 其中包括,到2027年,该公司公用事业部门的潜在基本利率每年增长9%.

“当你把预计的资本支出和增长水平与公司目前的股息收益率3%结合起来考虑时.2%——它创造了一个潜在的非常有吸引力的增长和收入机会 investors,” said Martin.

With the recent release of Sempra’s 15th annual Corporate Sustainability Report, Cramer also asked Martin about the company’s success in advancing sustainable business practices.

“What we’re trying to do is help America decarbonize the energy grid here at home and make sure, in foreign countries, as they adopt renewables and cleaner forms of energy, they can use complimentary fuels like natural gas to help them decarbonize more quickly,” said Martin. “Hydrogen is also expected to become a feedstock for industry and heavy-duty transportation. 在未来,我们认为它将成为我国重要的燃料来源.”

Closing the interview, Cramer asked Martin about his service in the U.S. Army.

“A lot of people focus on the discipline, teamwork and higher levels of responsibility that come with military service, 但对我来说,最重要的收获是有机会为一个比我自己更伟大的理想服务——与这么多来自不同背景、各行各业、对国家和目标有着共同热爱的了不起的男人和女人一起工作是一种荣幸,” said Martin, a West Point graduate. “That same common purpose can be seen at Sempra as 20,000 talented employees work together to support our mission to build the leading energy infrastructure company in North America. 为了做到这一点,我们做出了坚定的承诺,成为可持续发展的领导者,并投资于 innovation and new technologies to better serve our stakeholders.”

Sempra CEO Jeffrey Martin chats with Jim Cramer on 'Mad Money' Sempra HQ building in downtown San Diego, CA



本文包含的陈述构成1995年《十大最佳博彩网站评级》意义上的前瞻性陈述. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions with respect to the future, involve risks and uncertainties, and are not guarantees. 未来的结果可能与任何前瞻性陈述中所表达或暗示的内容存在重大差异. 这些前瞻性陈述仅代表我们在本文发布之日的估计和假设. 我们不承担因新信息而更新或修改任何前瞻性陈述的义务, future events or otherwise. In this article, forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as “believes,” “expects,” “intends,” “anticipates,” “contemplates,” “plans,” “estimates,” “projects,” “forecasts,” “should,” “could,” “would,” “will,” “confident,” “may,” “can,” “potential,” “possible,” “proposed,” “in process,” “construct,” “develop,” “opportunity,” “initiative,” “target,” “outlook,” “optimistic,” “poised,” “maintain,” “continue,” “progress,” “advance,” “goal,” “aim,” “commit,” or similar expressions, or when we discuss our guidance, priorities, strategy, goals, vision, mission, opportunities, projections, intentions or expectations.

Factors, among others, 可能导致实际结果和事件与任何前瞻性陈述中所表达或暗示的内容存在重大差异的风险和不确定性因素包括:加州野火, 包括潜在的损害赔偿责任,不论过失和任何无法从保险中收回全部或大部分费用的情况, the wildfire fund established by California Assembly Bill 1054, rates from customers or a combination thereof; decisions, investigations, inquiries, regulations, issuances or revocations of permits, consents, approvals or other authorizations, renewals of franchises, and other actions by (i) the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), Comisión Reguladora de Energía, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Public Utility Commission of Texas, and other governmental and regulatory bodies and (ii) the U.S., Mexico and states, counties, cities and other jurisdictions therein and in other countries in which we do business; the success of business development efforts, construction projects and acquisitions and divestitures, including risks in (i) being able to make a final investment decision, (二)按期、按预算完成建设工程或者其他交易的, (iii) realizing anticipated benefits from any of these efforts if completed, and (iv) obtaining the consent or approval of third parties; litigation, arbitrations, property disputes and other proceedings, and changes to laws and regulations, including those related to the energy industry in Mexico; cybersecurity threats, including by state and state-sponsored actors, 对我们的系统或与我们有业务往来的第三方系统的勒索软件或其他攻击, including the energy grid or other energy infrastructure, all of which have become more pronounced due to recent geopolitical events; our ability to borrow money on favorable terms and meet our obligations, including due to (i) actions by credit rating agencies to downgrade our credit ratings or place those ratings on negative outlook or (ii) rising interest rates and inflation; failure of foreign governments, state-owned entities and our counterparties to honor their contracts and commitments; the impact on affordability of San Diego Gas & Electric Company’s (SDG&E)和南加州天然气公司(SoCalGas)的客户费率及其资本成本和可持续发展目标&E’s, 由于通货膨胀的波动性,SoCalGas和Sempra Infrastructure将更高的成本转嫁给客户的能力, interest rates and commodity prices, (ii) with respect to SDG&E’s and SoCalGas’ businesses, the cost of the clean energy transition in California, (iii) with respect to SDG&E’s business, 由于额外的客户转移到社区选择聚合和直接访问而导致的零售负荷减少, and (iv) with respect to Sempra Infrastructure’s business, volatility in foreign currency exchange rates; the impact of climate and sustainability policies, laws, rules, regulations, disclosures and trends, including actions to reduce or eliminate reliance on natural gas, 加州天然气分销公司面临的政治或监管环境的不确定性增加, the risk of nonrecovery for stranded assets, and our ability to incorporate new technologies; weather, natural disasters, pandemics, accidents, equipment failures, explosions, terrorism, information system outages or other events that disrupt our operations, damage our facilities or systems, 造成有害物质的释放或火灾,或使我们承担损害赔偿责任, fines and penalties, some of which may not be recoverable through regulatory mechanisms or insurance or may impact our ability to obtain satisfactory levels of affordable insurance; the availability of electric power, natural gas and natural gas storage capacity, including disruptions caused by failures in the transmission grid, pipeline system or limitations on the withdrawal of natural gas from storage facilities; Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC’s (Oncor) ability to reduce or eliminate its quarterly dividends due to regulatory and governance requirements and commitments, including by actions of Oncor’s independent directors or a minority member director; changes in tax and trade policies, laws and regulations, including tariffs, revisions to international trade agreements and sanctions, such as those imposed in connection with the war in Ukraine, any of which may increase our costs, reduce our competitiveness, impact our ability to do business with certain counterparties, or impair our ability to resolve trade disputes; and other uncertainties, some of which are difficult to predict and beyond our control.

这些风险和不确定性将在Sempra提交给美国环保局的报告中进一步讨论.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). 这些报告可在证券交易委员会网站上通过EDGAR系统免费获得。, and on Sempra’s website. Investors should not rely unduly on any forward-looking statements.

Sempra Infrastructure, Sempra Infrastructure Partners, Sempra Texas, Sempra Texas Utilities, Oncor and Infraestructura Energética Nova, S.A.P.I. de C.V. (IEnova) are not the same companies as the California utilities, SDG&E or SoCalGas, and Sempra Infrastructure, Sempra Infrastructure Partners, Sempra Texas, Sempra Texas Utilities, Oncor and IEnova are not regulated by the CPUC.

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