November 11, 2022


Submitted by sempra_ben on

Jeffrey Martin, United States Military Academy at West PointAs Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sempra, Jeffrey Martin leads 20,000 employees with a mission 成为北美首屈一指的能源基础设施公司. With a focus on sustainable business practices 投资现代化和扩大能源网络,公司正在推进 global energy transition through electrification and decarbonization in the markets it serves.

Since assuming the helm of Sempra nearly five years ago, Martin has led transformational change across the Sempra family of companies, 这反映了他在早期军事生涯中逐渐灌输给他的领导哲学. 他持有美国西点军校的理学学士学位. Upon graduation, he was commissioned as an officer in the U.S. 他曾在陆军第3装甲骑兵团第4中队担任空中骑兵飞行员.

In celebration of Veterans Day and Military Families Month, Martin reflects on the experiences in the U.S. Army that helped shape his views on leadership and service.


Talk about what inspired you to consider a career in the U.S. Army.

My decision to serve was inspired by two factors. First, 我在北卡罗来纳州西部的一个小镇上长大,家庭有服兵役的传统. I always looked up to my father, who was a great role model. He had served in the U.S. Army during the Korean conflict in the 1950s. He was assigned to the 25th Infantry Division, 也因其在亚太地区的任务而被称为“热带闪电”.

第二,在我上高中的时候,70名美国人在美国大使馆被劫持为人质.S. Embassy in Iran. The year was 1979. This became known as the Iran Hostage Crisis 也是第一批针对美国的公开恐怖主义行动之一.S.

I was looking at a variety of colleges at the time. 这是对我家族服兵役历史的致敬,也是对人质危机期间席卷美国的爱国主义精神的致敬, I chose to serve my country. In 1980, 我接受了美国西点军校的任命, where I received a general engineering degree.

Tell us about your early experiences during your service.

1984年从西点军校毕业后,我被任命为少尉. 在接下来的24个月里,我完成了三个军事训练项目.S. 陆军步兵军官学校,空降学校和飞行学校. 这些训练任务的挑战性使我在第三装甲骑兵团服役,成为一名直升机飞行员和飞行排长. At the time, 当时正值冷战接近尾声,我们的主要任务是带领陆军应对苏联对西欧的任何威胁. I left the Army with the rank of Captain in December 1989, and the Cold War officially ended two years later.


Jeffrey Martin, Promotion Ceremony, Fort Bliss, Texas, 1988当我回顾我在军队的时光时,有两个主要的收获:

首先,我学到了很多关于服务于比自己更伟大的理想的价值. There is so much value in the concept of service to others, 和这么多来自不同背景的年轻人一起服务真的很有意义, who cared so much about our country.

Second, 我了解到,人们经常错误地将领导与建立追随者联系起来——不幸的是,这可能导致过度依赖一个人在组织中的头衔或职位来完成事情. Instead, 更重要的是,有意识地在组织的各个层面培养新的领导者. 我想到的信条是“用你周围的人如何成功来衡量你的成功”.这意味着,无论你关注的是在战场上取胜,还是在美国企业界取胜, 领导能力就是提升你周围的人,让他们发挥出最好的一面, teams and organizations.

这是我们团队在Sempra所信奉的理念,我们专注于建立一个 high-performing culture. 这转化为提供安全和卓越的运营, leveraging leadership and employee development, embracing our differences and building a strong sense of belonging at the company.

Photo: Jeffrey Martin’s Promotion Ceremony, Fort Bliss, Texas, 1988; joined by R.J. Martin (father)


我首先提出的建议是,每个人都希望成功,并为公司的发展做出贡献. Second, 重要的是每天提醒自己,与这么多有才华的人一起工作是一种荣幸,他们共同的使命是寻找新的和创新的方式来更好地服务社会.

At Sempra, we have been successful in creating a leadership position 在世界上一些最大的经济市场中这伴随着将我们的能源网络规模与 innovation and new technologies to help better serve our customers. With a corporate culture that values service to others, 在帮助解决一些社会最大的挑战方面发挥作用也是令人兴奋的, 包括在确保能源更清洁方面发挥领导作用, abundant and more affordable.

I am honored to lead and serve alongside 20,000 employees, 包括我们家族企业的800多名退伍军人和现役预备役人员. As we look to create a culture of high-performance at Sempra, 重要的是,在今天这样的日子里,我们要停下来,向我们周围那些曾经或仍在为美国服务的人表示诚挚的感谢.S. Armed Forces.