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At Sempra Energy, we deliver energy with purpose to over 3500万年 customers. There is a critical need to build a new global energy system by the middle of the century to advance the energy transition, 其中包括工业脱碳, 发电和运输部门.

交通运输是美国经济的支柱.S. 经济. Goods worth more than $13 trillion were transported by truck or rail in the U.S. in 2017. 不幸的是,在美国.S., transportation is responsible for nearly 30% of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, 比其他任何经济部门都要多.

如果美国.S.,以及全世界都致力于 降低排放在美国,交通运输部门将是一个重要组成部分.

Electric 还有天然气 utilities are well-positioned to meet additional clean transportation 基础设施 needs. 整个森普拉能源家族公司, our utilities have a long history and strong track record of success supporting clean transportation.




通过其 动力驱动 圣地亚哥天然气公司的充电计划 & 电力公司(可持续发展目标&E)已安装; 拥有并经营 over 3,000 chargers at more than 250 workplaces and multi-unit dwellings. The utility is also installing 340 chargers at parks, beaches and schools and is building the 基础设施 to support more than 3,000 fleet vehicles within its service territory. 电动汽车 (EV) charging pilot programs with Amazon, UPS and the Port of San Diego are underway as well.

除了电动汽车充电,可持续发展目标&E supports EV use by upgrading the electrical grid to meet increasing demand. 加州能源委员会预计到2025年, 188,将在全州范围内使用000个充电站. 到2030年,将需要1个.500万年.

寻找新技术,可持续发展目标&E sees the potential to further maximize EVs by using EV batteries as a source of energy. 西班牙&E’s Vehicle-to-Grid Integration Pilot Project includes the use of school buses to demonstrate how this 可以 work. Buses will prioritize charging their on-board batteries when energy prices are low and renewable electricity is most available, 例如早上10点开始.m. 至下午二时.m. 然后, 下午晚些时候和晚上, 随着家庭和办公室空调设备的使用增加, 这些公共汽车将能够释放它们的能量, 支持全系统弹性. 西班牙&E expects to scale up and deploy these types of innovations across its service territory.




德州最大的能源输送公司, Oncor正准备为更多的电动汽车提供服务, 特别是在车队空间.

The 德州 market is particularly suited to expanded adoption of electric and electric-hybrid vehicles, 尤其是车队. 事实上,根据美国的报告.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, nearly 13% of total U.S. 按重量计算的货运通过德州,大部分都通过 Oncor的服务区. This is about the same amount as the next two largest states combined.

制定计划以满足这一需求至关重要. 在Oncor的服务区域大约有22000个船队. 该公司已回答了各大商业公司的询问, 市政, school and transit customers about joint planning for charging opportunities and logistics. 计划支持4个以上,到2022年至2024年,电动汽车的数量将达到1000辆, dependent on the ability of equipment manufacturers to meet expected availability, 范围和总拥有成本.

Serving commercial and industrial areas where tens of thousands of fleet vehicles will soon need electricity will likely require adding 传播资产, including higher-capacity electric lines, transformers and substations. Oncor还开发了绿色船队增长规划工具, which identifies available substation and transformer capacity and predicts how population growth will impact that capacity through 2050.



低水平的领导者, 零, 以及压缩天然气等负碳燃料, 可再生天然气和氢气

南加州天然气公司(SoCalGas)是最大的 天然气 美国的配电公用事业.S.该公司在加州为近2200万客户提供服务. It supports the transition away from petroleum and diesel fuel, to the use of 更清洁的运输燃料 across its service territory, including the use of renewable 天然气 (RNG) and .

Substantial gas-related transportation 基础设施 is already in place, but additional 基础设施 will be needed to support projected growth.

根据2020年加州天然气报告预测, SoCalGas expects the 天然气 vehicle (NGV) market to grow and add over 80 NGV stations and almost 4 billion cubic feet within its service territory over the next 15 years. SoCalGas will continue to invest in the additional pipeline capacity and NGV station service lines needed to meet this demand.

Nearly 80% of the 天然气 vehicles in California are already being 以液化天然气为燃料这是一种碳强度为负的燃料. 这种燃料的供应和需求都在增加. A recent study by ICF4 7 estimates that by 2040, the Pacific region of the U.S. 可以 生产 between 193-372 billion cubic feet of RNG per year which would represent 66-126% of SoCalGas’ projected 2035 core 天然气 consumption. 作为需求增长的一个例子, SoCalGas currently has 15 NGV stations and is looking to add more to its system in 2021, 所有这些都将分配100% RNG.

氢正迅速成为一种清洁的交通燃料. The California Energy Commission approved a plan in December 2020 that will invest up to $11500万年 to significantly increase the number of 氢 fueling stations in the state, nearly doubling the state’s investments to date and will help California nearly achieve its goal to deploy 200 public 氢 fueling stations.

特别是运输机构, 包括橙县交通管理局, 山麓运输和阳光线公司, 表明它们希望转变成氢. 除了, SoCalGas has completed preliminary site evaluations for two major energy companies in response to their interest in 氢 fueling stations.

SoCalGas recently announced plans to field test a new technology that can simultaneously separate and compress 氢 from a 混合氢 还有天然气. 在规模, this would allow 氢 to be transported easily and affordably via the 天然气 pipeline system, then extracted and compressed at fueling stations that provide 氢 for fuel cell electric vehicles.


感谢我们家族公司中具有前瞻性的团队, Sempra Energy is helping decarbonize the transportation sector and advance clean energy 基础设施 across the U.S.

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