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Transportation is a key enabler of economic activity. 然而, it’s also the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions in California, in addition to being a major source of air pollution. 在Sempra, we’re making great strides to help electrify vehicles and transition the world to cleaner transportation.

在过去的十年里, 西班牙&E has developed a robust portfolio of electric vehicle (EV) charging 基础设施项目 to support the electrification of a range of vehicles (light, medium and heavy-duty). To further reduce carbon emissions and limit the effects of climate change, the public and private sectors must continue to 优先考虑清洁交通.

The recent passing of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill includes key initiatives aimed at advancing the expansion of EV infrastructure nationwide. This includes the reduction of carbon emissions through electrifying public transportation and heavy-duty trucks, which would help mitigate congestion and improve air quality.

我们的 California utilities invest in clean transportation

美国.S. 有超过164个,000 miles of highway connecting communities, all of which need EV charging infrastructure to 支持清洁运输. 与此同时, 据彭博NEF报道, EV sales have increased 80% over the past year, showing that consumers are ready and the 电网 需要扩大.

In order 到一个chieve local, regional and federal climate goals, collaboration will be key. 因此西班牙&E and other California utilities announced a Memorandum of Understanding to support a 加州区域充电网络. This agreement encourages cooperation and leadership in support of electric cars and trucks traveling along key corridors in California and beyond to reduce pollution, 保护公众健康, 推进股权, and support access to electric cars and trucks for all Californians.

西班牙&E has invested resources to support a full spectrum of vehicles and equipment including trucks, 校车, 公共汽车和叉车. To date, the utility has built more than 3,200 chargers. 在未来几年,可持续发展目标&E aims to build many more to help meet California’s ambitious clean transportation goals.


迄今为止,可持续发展目标&E has built 3,260 electric vehicle chargers throughout San Diego


  • ~2,000 EV chargers for workplaces and multi-unit dwellings

  • 304 学校、公园和海滩的充电器

  • 300 chargers to support 3,000 medium/heavy-duty vehicles

与此同时 SoCalGas announced that it took delivery of 23 Toyota Mirai 氢 fuel cell electric vehicles (HFCEV), 标记公司的 第一次购买 of 氢动力汽车. The company plans to expand its fleet of HFCEVs to 50, making SoCalGas among the first utilities in the nation to start transitioning to . These new HFCEVs are the latest example of SoCalGas’ working toward its 2045年净零气候目标, which includes replacing 50% of its over-the-road fleet with clean fuel vehicles by 2025 and operating a 100% zero-emission fleet by 2035.

创新 driving the transition to cleaner roads

我们的 公司 have been working aggressively to expand clean transportation infrastructure through innovation. 西班牙&E在领航 汽车电网 (V2G) technology at a school district to connect electric 校车 to 60kW bi-directional DC fast chargers. The batteries onboard the buses will soak up energy during downtime and when clean energy is abundant on the grid (such as midday when solar energy production is at its peak) and discharge energy to the grid during peak demand hours in the afternoon and evening. The goal is to help ease strain on the grid, help schools save on energy costs and explore a new technology that could be crucial for the pathway to net-zero emissions.

Oncor is also helping drive the change to electric vehicles. 去年, Oncor 开始发展 绿色船队规划工具 capable of forecasting EV impact on localized 传输与分配 infrastructure five to seven years out and beyond. 也, Oncor collaborated with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Southern Company on a 2020年的研究 to examine the opportunity for near-term electrification of heavy-duty trucks, or semi-trucks with a gross vehicle weight greater than 26,000 pounds — a segment of vehicles responsible for around 15% of total U.S. 交通排放.

Sempra has been on a sustained path to decarbonize our business operations and the markets we serve for two decades and, 当我们在做长期的准备时, 我们今天设定的节奏很重要. Learn more about how we are committed to be a leader in the 能源过渡 到一个 零的未来.