
Championing Biodiversity and Using Land Efficiently

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穿过森普拉 公司家族, we are committed to integrating 生物多样性保护 and enhancement considerations into our planning and decision-making processes. This commitment is underpinned by our 生物多样性政策, which describes how we integrate biodiversity considerations into the planning, 允许, construction and operation of our infrastructure.

Partnering to Protect Biodiversity

西班牙&E team member participates in a coastal clean-up dayWe partner with local groups, 政府机构, academia and nongovernmental organizations at all stages of project development and operation to help ensure we avoid or minimize impacts to local wildlife. This outreach includes working with local partners including the San Diego Audubon Society, 圣地亚哥动物园, 文图拉土地信托, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León and many others.

Our biodiversity efforts include robust avian protection programs, vegetation management and habitat enhancement and restoration and remediation. Our biodiversity targets vary by project and include:

  • No net loss of wetlands and waters of the U.S., including coastal wetlands.

  • No net loss of sensitive upland vegetation communities, habitats and rare plants.

  • Net improvement in ecological condition and habitat 值 for any sensitive habitats that have been temporarily impacted by our projects or operations.

  • Net improvement in habitat 值 for the coastal California gnatcatcher, 至少贝尔的视频, southwestern willow flycatcher, 阿罗约蟾蜍, peninsular bighorn sheep and many other listed species, by establishing permanently protected habitat preserve(s) and enhancing the existing habitat for the species.

  • Net benefit to state-listed threatened or endangered species.

  • Net benefit to federally listed threatened or endangered species.

Conservation in Action at 西班牙&E

西班牙&E team members install solar panelsOne example of our approach to environmental compliance and stewardship comes from 西班牙&E. 25年来,可持续发展目标&E has helped ensure compliance with endangered species regulations during its activities through its Subregional Natural Community Conservation Plan and Habitat Conservation Plan (collectively, 分区域计划).

The Subregional Plan was ultimately approved in 1995 and 西班牙&E has been successfully operating under it since its issuance. The Subregional Plan has helped create company awareness about constructing and operating 设施 in a way that avoids or minimizes impacts to the natural communities and wildlife within the San Diego region and has defined how mitigation would be pursued for any unavoidable impacts.

As we build and maintain critical energy infrastructure in North America, we remain committed to integrating 生物多样性保护 and enhancement considerations into our planning and decision-making processes.

2020年,所有可持续发展目标&E的项目, 设施, and operations and maintenance activities were reviewed for potential impacts to state and federally listed endangered, threatened and candidate species. Potential direct or indirect impacts to the species or their habitats were:

  • Avoided or minimized through operational protocols outlined in the 西班牙&E分区域计划;

  • Mitigated through project-specific mitigation measures or applicant proposed measures approved by the CPUC and other regulatory agencies; and/or

  • Mitigated through post-construction mitigation measures as outlined in the plans and permits approved by the regulatory and wildlife agencies for those projects, 设施 and/or operations and maintenance activities.

作为可持续发展目标的结果&E’s conservation strategy, 西班牙&E’s activities in 2020 resulted in no documented “take” of any species listed under either the state or federal Endangered Species Act.