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Championing people and doing the right thing are two of Sempra’s on full display as we help make new homes a reality for two deserving U.S. 退伍军人.

Former Army Specialist 记者多西 and Former Army Sergeant 詹姆斯福特 will soon move into new homes built by PulteGroup, 公司. 在 休斯顿 郊区,并通过他们的 为荣誉而建 程序 操作Homefront. After successfully completing a comprehensive program with 操作Homefront caseworkers and financial counselors who will help them prepare for long-term home ownership, the families will be deeded the homes 套无贷款. These homes and services were made possible thanks to PulteGroup, 公司. and a $50,000 grant by Sempra to 操作Homefront.

Helping veterans like 记者多西 become homeowners


记者多西自豪地在美国服役.S. Army until the physical demands of military life took its toll and injuries forced her to retire. She faced a new set of obstacles returning to civilian life, including losing her job and enduring tough economic circumstances. 有一段时间, she thought she’d have to move into a homeless shelter or live on the streets because she couldn’t afford housing.

Kisha是一个可爱的人, 单亲妈妈带着两个男孩, one of whom was born with autism after suffering a stroke in utero. Her perseverance and drive landed her a new job as a payroll administrator for Lone Star College in 休斯顿 where she works to provide for her sons and to give them access to critical health and developmental services. Owning a home will help meet her sons’ needs and set up her family for success. She told us if she could draw her dream home, it would look a lot like the one she is being awarded 在 休斯顿 suburb of Hockley, 德州.

“It checks all of the boxes,” she said of her new home. “我在那个地区有一个很棒的社区. It is in a safe neighborhood and it will be amazing just to own a home. All the rest is for my kids, but that part is the dream for me. To be a homeowner will make my day and my year and my decade. It will make all of the struggle and striving so worth it.”

Empowering veterans like 詹姆斯福特 to succeed


The second veteran to receive a home is 詹姆斯福特. 前陆军中士和战斗工程师, Ford planned on a long military career but an enemy attack in Afghanistan resulted 在 loss of his right leg below the knee. Despite the severe injury, Ford is focused on not letting anything hold him back. He is 在 process of completing a master’s degree at 德州 A&硕士,并计划攻读博士学位.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology at Rice University in 休斯顿. The awarded home will help give Ford’s family, two kids and his service dog, a place to settle down.

“It will mean so much,” Ford said of the new house. “My daughter will have her own room and the option to do with the space what she wants.”

他也对新事物充满希望, 套无贷款 home will allow him to give back to fellow disabled veterans 在 future. After school, James wants to form his own research company that would employ disabled veterans.

Championing people with 操作Homefront

操作Homefront is a national nonprofit co-headquartered in San Antonio, 德州和阿灵顿, 维吉尼亚州, 专注于打造强大, stable and secure military families so they can thrive 在 communities they’ve worked so hard to protect. The organization’s Permanent Homes for Veterans program has helped more than 700 veterans since its inception in 2012 with an opportunity to move into their own homes, 套无贷款, thanks to the generous support of individual and corporate donors.

在一月底, the local 休斯顿 community gathered with these veteran families at the groundbreaking event, officially kicking off the construction process for both homes.

With a mission to be North America’s premier energy infrastructure company, 森普拉专注于建筑 弹性能源网络 为了支持不断增长的 德州经济. Putting our energy behind 德州 means not only moving our business forward, but actively supporting 德州社区 and organizations that are addressing some of the greatest social needs 在 state.

Find out more about the different ways Sempra strives to 冠军的人 加强我们的 德州社区.

