
Advancing women in our communities and companies

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Women play critical roles in the success of our companies, economies and societies. Their perspectives, lived experiences and traits bring important value and deserve our support. 根据 联合国, women worldwide make 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. 在Sempra, we understand the urgency of this problem and are committed to uplifting women and celebrating their 贡献.

Sempra和我们的 公司家族 continue to invest in and recognize the importance of gender equality and representation. 作为 平价范式 coalition, Sempra has worked to advance women into 领导职位 并努力实现性别薪酬平等.

因为我们的 《全球最大的博彩平台》, we have been committed to working with community leaders and organizations that align with our of do the right thing, champion people and shape the future.

仅去年一年, Sempra supported 3 million women and girls across the communities we serve in collaboration with nonprofit partners working in our 优先领域 of climate action, economic prosperity and energy access. 森普拉的投资超过1美元.4 million is helping to build the next generation of women climate leaders and advocates, 在提高教育水平的同时, 专业成长与发展, 妇女和女童的就业机会.


In addition to our internal commitment to gender equality and 多样性, Sempra and its 公司家族 work with external partners, including 西班牙政治平等组织(HOPE) 和圣地亚哥警察基金会的妇女穿蓝衣服. HOPE是一个非营利组织, supported by Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas), that equips Latina communities with leadership and advocacy education and training in order to advance political and economic parity for Latinas and all women.

In partnership with the San Diego Police Foundation, San Diego Gas & 电力公司(可持续发展目标&E) helped launch Women in Blue: Leadership Knows No Gender, a new 教育系列 about safety that spotlights women leaders in the San Diego Police Department. 通过这项倡议, the San Diego Police Foundation is breaking the stigma around women in 领导职位 within the police force.

Helping create economic prosperity through business

In 德州,森普拉支持 州长妇女委员会, which focuses on advancing women’s economic opportunities, especially for women-owned businesses. With the goal of making 德州 a leading state for women-owned businesses, the commission is working to mitigate the barriers many women face when it comes to accessing high-quality entrepreneurship opportunities and achieving prosperity.

同样在圣地亚哥,可持续发展目标&E支持 The Social Entrepreneurs for Economic Development (SEED) Program which works with refugee and immigrant entrepreneurs to provide micro-grants and business development training. Eighty percent of program participants are women who are hoping to start or maintain a business that targets a societal problem or community need. Both programs help uplift women and communities at-large.


森普拉正在努力实现它的目标 零排放的 by 2050, the company is proud to support organizations addressing climate change. 森普拉和可持续发展目标&E与…一起工作 Wildcoast 在两个项目上, the Ocean Conservation Leadership Project for Tribal Youth and The Mangrove Conservations and Restoration in the Mexican Pacific. The Ocean Conservation Leadership Project for Tribal Youth is an internship program that builds climate literacy and coastal and marine stewardship through conservation and nature-based education. Seventy percent of those taking part in this internship are women, all of whom are from tribes or areas in San Diego with limited access to recreational open space or parkland.

同时, Sempra is working with Wildcoast on mangrove conservation and restoration, working with two local groups of women to plant a total of 43,圣伊格纳西奥拉古纳的500棵红树林幼苗, 下加利福尼亚南部, 墨西哥. These mangroves are intended to aid communities most susceptible to the negative impacts of climate change in carbon filtration, 野生动物栖息地, 侵蚀控制, 粮食安全等等.

With the help of local women activists and students, the company’s support of Wildcoast is helping positively transform communities along the Southern California Pacific Coast while helping drive positive change for women, 有色人种社区和环境.


在我们展望妇女历史月之后, our vision of delivering energy with purpose paves the way for us to continue to work to advance positive outcomes for women across the Sempra 公司家族 and within the communities we serve.