
Sempra基础设施与total energy签署参与协议, 三井, 三菱在路易斯安那州的碳封存项目

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  • 卡梅伦液化天然气预计将成为锚定客户
  • 去年申请注入井储存高达200万吨/年的二氧化碳

休斯顿, 2022年5月23日 /价值/—— Sempra基础设施的子公司 Sempra (纽约证券交易所代码:sre)(伦敦证券交易所代码:sre), 今天宣布已与totalenergy签署参与协议, 三井 & Co.有限公司. 和 Mitsubishi Corporation for the development of the proposed Hackberry Carbon Sequestration (HCS) project in 西南路易斯安那州.

The participation agreement contemplates that the combined 卡梅伦液化天然气 Phase 1 和 proposed Phase 2 出口 projects would potentially serve as the anchor source for the capture 和 sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2) by the HCS project. It also provides the basis for the parties to enter into a joint venture with Sempra基础设施 for the HCS project.

"We are excited to advance the development of the Hackberry Carbon Sequestration project, 这是Sempra基础设施的第一个零净解决方案项目, 帮助卡梅伦液化天然气公司为客户生产更清洁的液化天然气,” 贾斯汀鸟Sempra基础设施的首席执行官. "This project is expected to be among the first 北美n carbon capture facilities designed to receive 和 store CO2 from multiple sources, 和 our goal is for this facility to set the gold st和ard for safe 和 permanent CO2 storage."

去年,“Hackberry碳封存”项目申请了一个类 VI注入 我们得到了美国的许可.S. Environmental Protection Agency for permanent storage of up to 2 million tonnes per annum of CO2.   

"We are excited to welcome new investment from Sempra基础设施 和 its partners in support of our state's e任务s reduction plans,” 路易斯安那州 州长 约翰·贝尔·爱德华兹. 路易斯安那州的目标是到2050年实现净零排放, projects like the proposed Hackberry Carbon Sequestration facility that feature carbon capture 和 sequestration allow our state to sustain industry without sacrificing our long-term carbon-reduction 目标. 事实上,这些类型的项目使公司处于 路易斯安那州 to grow 和 thrive as the world transitions to a low carbon future 和 to also leverage the geology, 劳动力, 基础设施 路易斯安那州 成为这个领域的中心和世界领导者."

Sempra基础设施 continues to build a strong business portfolio 和 is working on a number of initiatives focused on sustainability 和 the global energy transition to advance its goal to lower the greenhouse gas e任务 intensity at its 液化天然气 facilities while working to provide decarbonization solutions to its customers in 北美 在全球能源市场.

The development of the Hackberry Carbon Sequestration project is subject to a number of risks 和 uncertainties, 包括签署额外的项目相关协议, 确保所有必要的许可, 做出最后的投资决定.


森普拉基础设施为更美好的世界提供能源. 通过其资产的综合实力在 北美该公司致力于实现能源转型和超越. 持续关注可持续性, 创新, 世界级的安全, 支持的人, 弹性经营和社会责任, 它大于2,000名员工发展, 建设和运行清洁能源, 能源网络、液化天然气和净零解决方案, 它们有望在未来的能源系统中发挥至关重要的作用. 有关Sempra基础设施的更多信息,请访问 www.SempraInfrastructure.com 和 推特.

This press release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. 前瞻性陈述是基于对未来的假设, 涉及风险和不确定性, 并不是保证. Future results may differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements represent our estimates 和 assumptions only as of the date of this press release. We assume no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement as a result of new information, 未来事件或其他因素.

在本十大最佳博彩网站评级中, 前瞻性陈述可以通过“相信”等词来识别,”“预计,”“计划,”“预计,”“计划,”“估计,”“项目,”“预测,”“应该,”“可以,”“会,”“会,”“有信心,”“可能,”“可以,”“潜在,”“可能,”“提出,"正在处理中","在建中",“开发中”,”“机会,”“目标,”“前景,”“保持,”“继续,“”的目标,“”的目标,”“提交,或类似的表达, 或者当我们讨论我们的指导时, 优先级, 策略, 目标, 愿景, 任务, 机会, 预测, 意图或期望.

因素, 等, that could cause actual results 和 事件 to differ materially from those described in any forward-looking statements include risks 和 uncertainties relating to: decisions, 调查, 规定, 签发或撤销许可证和其他授权, 以及(i)美国采取的其他行动.S. 美国能源部,Comisión Reguladora de Energía.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Com任务 和 other regulatory 和 政府ernmental bodies 和 (ii) states, 县, 在美国的城市和其他司法管辖区.S., 墨西哥 和 other countries in which we do business; the success of business development efforts, 建设项目、收购和资产剥离, 包括以下风险:(i)作出最终投资决定的能力, (二)按期、按预算完成建设工程或者其他交易的, (iii)如果这些努力完成,实现预期收益的能力, (四)取得合作伙伴或其他第三方的同意或批准, including 政府ernmental entities 和 regulatory bodies; the resolution of civil 和 criminal litigation, 监管调查, 调查及诉讼, 仲裁, 和 property disputes; changes to laws, 包括对某些的改变 墨西哥的 影响能源供应商许可的法律法规, 能源合同费率, 电力行业一般有进口能力, 出口, transport 和 store hydrocarbons; cyber证券交易委员会urity threats, 包括国家和国家资助的行为者, 到能源网, 存储和管道基础设施, 用于经营我们业务的信息和系统, 和 confidentiality of our proprietary information 和 personal information of our customers 和 employees, including ransomware attacks on our systems 和 the systems of third-party vendors 和 other parties with which we conduct business, all of which have become more pronounced due to recent geopolitical 事件 和 other uncertainties, 比如战争中 乌克兰; failure of foreign 政府ernments 和 state-owned entities to honor their contracts 和 commitments; actions by credit rating agencies to downgrade our credit ratings or to place those ratings on negative outlook 和 our ability to borrow on favorable terms 和 meet our debt service obligations; the impact of energy 和 climate policies, 立法, 规则制定和信息披露, 以及相关的目标设定和采取的行动,但在我们的行业公司, including actions to reduce or eliminate reliance on natural gas generally 和 the risk of nonrecovery for str和ed assets; the pace of the development 和 adoption of new technologies in the energy 证券交易委员会tor, including those designed to support 政府ernmental 和 private party energy 和 climate 目标, 和 our ability to timely 和 economically incorporate them into our business; weather, 自然灾害, 大流行, 事故, 设备故障, 爆炸, 恐怖主义行为, 信息系统中断或其他影响我们运作的事件, 破坏我们的设施和系统, 造成有害物质的释放, 引起火灾或使我们对财产损失或人身伤害承担责任, 罚款及罚则, 其中一些可能不在保险范围内, may be disputed by insurers or may impact our ability to obtain satisfactory levels of affordable insurance; the availability of natural gas; the impact of the COVID-19 p和emic, 包括潜在的疫苗接种任务, 关于基本建设项目, regulatory approvals 和 the execution of our operations; volatility in foreign currency exchange, 通货膨胀,利率和商品价格, 包括美国的通胀压力.S., 和 our ability to effectively hedge these risks; changes in tax 和 trade policies, 法律法规, 包括关税, 修订国际贸易协定和制裁, such as those that have been imposed 和 that may be imposed in the future in connection with the war in 乌克兰, 这可能会增加我们的成本, 降低我们的竞争力, 影响我们与某些现有或潜在交易对手开展业务的能力, or impair our ability to resolve trade disputes; 和 other uncertainties, 其中一些可能很难预测,我们无法控制.

These risks 和 uncertainties are further discussed in the reports that Sempra has filed with the U.S. 美国证券交易委员会(SEC). These reports are available through the EDGAR system free-of-charge on the SEC's website, www.证券交易委员会.政府,以及Sempra的网站 web-sitemap.nhathongminhgialai.net. 投资者不应过分依赖任何前瞻性陈述.

Sempra基础设施和San Diego Gas不是同一家公司 & 电力公司或南加州燃气公司, 和 neither Sempra基础设施 nor any of its subsidiaries are regulated by the California Public Utilities Com任务.

森普拉基础设施(prnewsphoto /森普拉基础设施)





媒体联系人:甲方. 米切尔, (电子邮件保护), 推特: @SempraInfra; Financial 联系: David Huang, (877) 736-7727, (电子邮件保护)

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