
Sempra CEO Shares How Company Is 推动可持续价值 in Shareholder Letter

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This is an excerpt from Chairman 和 CEO Jeff 马丁’s comprehensive 致股东信.


Sempra董事长兼首席执行官Jeffrey 马丁

While this past year has brought many unexpected challenges, I am optimistic about what lies ahead. We have seen people from all walks of life persevere 和 come together to support one another in ways that are inspirational to all of us. As vaccination programs exp和 across America 和 we look to rebuild the greatest economy in the world, 我们也被提醒能源的重要作用.

Energy — 和 critical infrastructure that delivers it — are foundational to all aspects of daily life. 正如全球大流行所强调的那样, 它为医疗机构提供动力, 急救人员和其他关键服务. It also empowers millions of people working or studying from home 和 many more who are relying on us every day for the energy they need to power their lives 和 businesses.

That is why I have been profoundly inspired by the work of our employees. They have displayed great 领导, resilience 和 an unwavering commitment to 做正确的事 过去一年. They have continued to deliver energy with purpose to our more than 36 million consumers in North America, 世界上还有更多, 在我们的客户最需要的时候.

安全是森普拉能源的基本价值观, guiding how we serve our customers 和 communities during times of great crisis. 我们的 运营公司创新 为我们的员工开发新的方式 继续安全工作 当我们周围的世界需要它的时候.

我们的 resilience 过去一年 makes me even more optimistic for the future. 我们将继续关注 创新, 可持续性领导 as we strengthen our investments 和 work toward a net-zero carbon footprint. 把目标定得更高, 用不同的方式思考, we believe we can help solve some of our society’s greatest challenges.

尽管发生了前所未有的事件,我们仍继续执行我们的 战略任务 成为北美首屈一指的能源基础设施公司. To read more about our accomplishments in 2020, please refer to the full 股东的信.


我们的每一个 运营公司 is playing a key role in delivering essential energy to some of the biggest economies in the world. We are delivering cleaner forms of energy to our customers while concentrating our investments in transmission 和 distribution infrastructure — the section of the energy value chain that we believe provides attractive, 风险调整后的所有者回报.


我们相信我们有 最好的员工 in the industry 和 our high-performance culture continues to set us apart. 我们公司的文化是建立在 关注安全. In 2020:

  • 建设活动 卡梅伦液化天然气 Phase 1 concluded with a remarkable safety record of more than 89 million hours without a lost-time incident;

  • 西班牙&ESoCalGas both achieved record-setting safety performances in 2020 with their lowest injury 和 lost-time incident rates on record;

  • Oncor logged 10 million hours without a lost-time incident; 和

  • IEnova achieved a 99th percentile score in health 和 safety according to a survey conducted in coordination with the U.S. 国家安全委员会.

在我们家族的公司中, we are realizing the benefits of our safety-focused mindset in which everyone feels responsible for their own safety as well as the safety of others.

Another key factor in our high performance is our long-st和ing commitment to an 包容性的工作场所我们重视不同的观点、背景和经验. 我们相信这些因素可以改善决策, 推进创新, 和 ultimately deliver a culture that reflects the ideal of service to others. 今年, we will continue to take concrete actions to advance our high-performance culture 和 maintain a workplace where everyone feels empowered to bring their authentic 和 best selves to work.


展望未来, we are committed to exp和ing our position as a leader in the North American markets where we operate: California, 德州, 墨西哥液化天然气出口市场. 我们正在努力提高的价值 能源基础设施 为北美各地的客户提供服务, while exp和ing lower-carbon energy choices 和 energy access 和 affordability.

As the owner of one of the largest energy networks in North America, we are confident that our strategy of making critical new investments primarily focused on transmission 和 distribution infrastructure will help accelerate the 能源过渡. 我们的 role in the energy value chain will help us assert a 领导 position in helping to decarbonize every market we serve. 此外, we also expect these activities to increase shareholder value by producing strong organic growth 和 improved earnings visibility.

在Sempra Energy, we have set out to boldly build a different type of energy company — one that is focused on the empowering value of 能源基础设施. As a purpose-driven 和 值-led company, we are striving to build a cleaner 和 智能电网 作为我们帮助引领碳中和社会承诺的一部分, 同时也为我们的股东带来更高的价值.

我很自豪能领导一个了不起的 领导团队, as well as one of the most talented workforces in our industry. 在我们所做的每一件事上, you can count on us to prioritize creating sustainable value for our shareholders 和 other stakeholders as we work to have a positive impact in our communities 和 our society.



杰弗里·W. 马丁


This article contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. 欲了解更多信息,请查看Sempra的综合 前瞻性陈述.

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