
Protecting the Environment and Advancing the Circular Economy

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This article also appears in our 13th annual Corporate 可持续性 Report.

Being an environmental steward goes beyond reducing carbon emissions. 我们的 环境政策 describes our commitment to abide by applicable laws, regulations and permit requirements, and our work to reduce our impacts.

森普拉能源是环保的 政策和程序 are designed to manage and reduce environmental impacts and advance the 循环经济. These procedures include water reuse, recycling and waste minimization, greenhouse gas (GHG) and other air emissions reduction programs and air quality improvements.

Managing and Reducing 我们的 Waste

在我们 运营公司 we are working to find new ways to reduce waste, reuse materials and safely extend the life of equipment. We look to find new vendors to increase recycling rates and identify new products that can be recycled.

There are several examples of our efforts to advance the 循环经济, including waste reduction goals and targets, across the Sempra Energy family of companies. 西班牙&E aims to divert 100% of green waste, including green waste related to 植被管理, by 2030. It also reduces food waste through composting the pre-consumer food waste from on-site dining facilities and donating unused food to Feeding San Diego. 了解更多关于可持续发展目标的信息&E’s 2020 sustainability strategy, 建设美好未来.

在墨西哥, Ecogas, IEnova’s 天然气 distribution regulated utility, achieved their goal to reduce waste generated per employee compared to a 2019 baseline.

Reducing, Reusing and Recycling

In 2020, Sempra Energy and its 运营公司:

managing and reducing our waste

* Non-hazardous waste generated does not currently account for green waste from 西班牙&E’s 植被管理 operations.


Throughout our 运营公司 we are upgrading our infrastructure and processes, and collaborating with suppliers, customers and peers to work to effectively measure, 监控和 减少排放.

我们的 California utilities have been working to upgrade infrastructure and processes to 减少甲烷排放 几十年来,. According to California-based emission factors used for Senate Bill 1371 “Natural Gas Leakage Abatement” reporting in 2020, the emission rates for transmission and distribution systems ranged from 0.05 to 0.SoCalGas为25%,0.04 to 0.27%支持可持续发展目标&E; an average between the two systems of ~0.15%.

我们的 California utilities achieve these results in a variety of ways:

  • They are among the leaders in the industry and are using the latest advanced 监测技术 to conduct leakage surveys and monitor storage operations. 其中包括无人机, infrared fence-line monitoring, around-the-clock pressure monitoring of all wells in a 24-hour operations center, four-times-a-day patrols to examine every well, fiber optic cable and point sensors.
  • First in the nation to aerially map methane emissions across their gas network to identify opportunities to 减少排放.
  • 现代化的设备 in metering and regulating facilities to utilize zero or lower emitting devices than previously available.
  • Eliminated cast iron pipe from the system two decades ago and is prioritizing the replacement of pipe that does not meet current standards for the prevention of corrosion.
  • Reducing 天然气 vented during planned transmission pipeline maintenance.

Energy efficiency programs also play a critical role in reducing emissions. Energy efficiency programs include:

  • Time-of-use rates for customers;
  • Peak-demand campaigns such as “reduce your use” and “dial it down”; and
  • In-home efficiency programs that provide customers with more efficient appliances, weather stripping and other upgrades at no cost.

In 2020, customer energy efficiency at our California utilities saved approximately 333 gigawatt-hours* of electricity and approximately 41.200万热 天然气.

在Sempra Energy, protecting the environment and advancing a 循环经济 are key to our efforts to help shape a lower-carbon future while 推动可持续价值 对于我们的利益相关者.


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