
New infrastructure opportunity on Pacific Coast

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The economies of North America continue to expand and become increasingly integrated. 在Sempra, 我们很高兴能够通过发展现代化的能源基础设施来支持该地区未来的经济扩张,以更好地满足客户的需求.

According to recent reports from the International Energy Agency, global energy demand surged in 2021, with over 50% of demand growth met with coal-fired generation. With coal use in power generation increasing by 9% in 2021, global carbon dioxide (CO2) e任务s from power generation may reach an all-time high. 这就是为什么许多研究表明,减少对煤炭的依赖是成功实现世界能源系统现代化的核心.

“在Sempra, we understand our role in expanding access to cleaner forms of energy, including enabling safe and reliable electricity, which we view as a core component of a healthy economy and a better quality of life说:“ 杰弗里·W. 马丁, chairman and chief executive officer of Sempra.

Collaborating to support Mexico's energy 证券交易委员会urity

塔尼亚·奥尔蒂斯·梅纳与Comisión联邦电力公司(CFE)签署谅解备忘录通过Sempra基础设施与墨西哥国有电力公司之间的非约束性谅解备忘录(MOU), Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), Sempra基础设施 intends to develop new and cleaner 天然气 projects in Mexico to help improve the country’s energy 证券交易委员会urity, while supporting energy diversification of global markets through exports. With the majority of coal usage coming from Asia and the subcontinent of India, the Pacific Coast of North America represents an exciting new opportunity to dispatch 液化天然气 (液化天然气) to Asia to help displace coal.

Among other areas of collaboration, 谅解备忘录考虑在Topolobampo共同开发Vista Pacífico液化天然气出口设施, 锡那罗亚. 这个拟议中的新项目预计将是一个中等规模的设施,并将从二叠纪盆地获取低成本的天然气. 供应将直接用于CFE在南下加利福尼亚州正在开发的发电厂, and for export to high-demand Asian markets.

另外, 谅解备忘录提议在拉巴斯开发一个液化天然气再气化终端, 下加利福尼亚州南部,并通过基于Yaqui社区和CFE之间的相互理解,通过拟议的管道改道,解决了Sonora Guaymas-El Oro管道的恢复服务. The proposed new route would be able to supply 天然气 to industrial, commercial and residential markets in the Pacific Coast of Mexico, 下加利福尼亚南部, as well as the Vista Pacífico 液化天然气 facility.

“我们继续致力于帮助满足墨西哥日益增长的能源需求,同时努力扩大我们的可再生能源组合, 能源网络和 液化天然气基础设施说:“ 贾斯汀鸟, chief executive officer of Sempra基础设施. “通过与CFE合作, 我们可以将这两个组织的优势结合起来,帮助改善墨西哥的能源供应, while also contributing to a new export industry on the Pacific Coast.”

照片: 塔尼亚·奥尔蒂斯·梅纳 signs a memorandum of understanding with the Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE)


Community members in Mexico learn how to operate their new, cleaner-burning stoves除了开发、建设和运营安全、可靠的基础设施外,Sempra和the Sempra基金会 在过去的十年里,我们在墨西哥进行了大量的投资,通过 企业公民 investments, including programs focused on energy access and climate action.

As recently as October 2021, Sempra基金会 announced a 500000美元的捐赠 to Fundación Mozcalti to provide cleaner cook stoves to more than 20,在墨西哥,为弱势群体和土著社区的000人提供能源获取和减排支持. Sempra also contributed a grant of over $120,000到Wildcoast, 一个通过保护沿海和海洋生态系统来应对气候变化的国际非营利组织, 以推进下加利福尼亚半岛圣伊格纳西奥泻湖的红树林恢复项目.


建议Vista Pacífico项目

下加利福尼亚州的地图显示了Sempra在太平洋沿岸的液化天然气项目的位置拟议中的Vista Pacífico项目将是Sempra在墨西哥太平洋沿岸的第二个液化天然气出口设施. Sempra基础设施 reached a final investment decision on the first phase of the Energía蔚蓝海岸 (ECA)液化天然气项目. ECA 液化天然气预计将成为第一个连接美国丰富的天然气供应的出口终端.S. Western States to Baja California, and ultimately high-demand Asian markets.

The development of these projects is contingent upon, 除其他因素外, reaching definitive agreements with CFE as contemplated by the non-binding MOU, 获得有约束力的承诺, completing the other required commercial agreements, 确保所有必要的许可, obtaining financing and reaching final investment decisions.





在本文中, forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as "believes,”“预计,”“预计,”“计划,”“估计,”“项目,”“预测,”“应该,”“可以,”“会,”“会,”“有信心,”“可能,”“可以,”“潜在,”“可能,”“提出,"正在处理中","在建中",“开发中”,”“目标,”“前景,”“保持,”“继续,“”的目标,“”的目标,”“提交,或类似的表达, or when we discuss our guidance, 优先级, 策略, 目标, 愿景, 任务, 机会, 预测, 意图或期望.

因素, 等, 可能导致实际结果和事件与任何前瞻性陈述中描述的重大差异的因素包括与决策有关的风险和不确定性, 调查, 规定, issuances or revocations of permits and other authorizations, and other actions by (i) the Comisión Federal de Electricidad, U.S. 美国能源部.S. 联邦能源管理委员会和其他监管和政府机构以及(ii)州, 县, cities and other jurisdictions in the U.S., Mexico and other countries in which we do business; the success of business development efforts, construction projects and acquisitions and divestitures, including risks in (i) the ability to make a final investment decision, (ii) completing construction projects or other transactions on schedule and budget, (iii) the ability to realize anticipated benefits from any of these efforts if completed, and (iv) obtaining the consent of partners or other third parties; the resolution of civil and criminal litigation, 监管调查, 调查及诉讼, and arbitrations; actions by credit rating agencies to downgrade our credit ratings or to place those ratings on negative outlook and our ability to borrow on favorable terms and meet our substantial debt service obligations; actions to reduce or eliminate reliance on 天然气; expropriation of assets, failure of foreign 政府ernments and state-owned entities to honor their contracts, and property disputes; weather, 自然灾害, 大流行, 事故, 设备故障, 爆炸, 恐怖主义行为, information system outages or other 事件 that disrupt our operations, damage our facilities and systems, cause the release of harmful materials, cause fires or subject us to liability for property damage or personal injuries, 罚款及罚则, some of which may not be covered by insurance, may be disputed by insurers or may impact our ability to obtain satisfactory levels of affordable insurance; the availability of 天然气; the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on capital projects, regulatory approvals and the execution of our operations; cyber证券交易委员会urity threats to the storage and pipeline infrastructure, information and systems used to operate our businesses, 我们的专有信息以及客户和员工的个人信息的保密性, including ransomware attacks on our systems and the systems of third-party vendors and other parties with which we conduct business; volatility in foreign currency exchange, inflation and interest rates and commodity prices and our ability to effectively hedge these risks; changes in tax and trade policies, 法律法规, 包括可能增加我们成本的关税和国际贸易协定的修订, 降低我们的竞争力, or impair our ability to resolve trade disputes; and other uncertainties, some of which may be difficult to predict and are beyond our control.

这些风险和不确定性将在Sempra提交给美国环保局的报告中进一步讨论.S. Securities and Exchange Com任务 (SEC). 这些报告可在证券交易委员会网站上通过EDGAR系统免费获得。 www.证券交易委员会.政府,以及Sempra的网站 web-sitemap.nhathongminhgialai.net. 投资者 should not rely unduly on any forward-looking statements.

Sempra基础设施 is not the same company as San Diego Gas & Electric or Southern California Gas Company, 森普拉基础设施公司及其任何子公司都不受加州公用事业委员会的监管.

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