
First class 8 heavy-duty electric freight truck makes historic crossing of U.S.墨西哥边境


西班牙&E and 巴厘岛表达 forge path to zero emissions freight transport


圣地亚哥, 2024年4月11日 /美通社/——圣地亚哥天然气公司 & 电气(西班牙&E), 巴厘岛表达 today announced the historic crossing of a Class 8 heavy-duty electric freight truck from the U.S. 成 墨西哥. The semi-truck made its maiden voyage 成 墨西哥, marking a significant milestone as the binational region moves towards a net-zero future.

These dedicated trucks will utilize recently built charging infrastructure installed by 西班牙&E designed to provide reliable and accessible charging options for medium- to heavy-duty electric freight trucks crossing the U.S.-墨西哥 边境.

"Today marks a historic milestone in our journey toward reducing emissions and paving the way for a cleaner energy future,” 卡罗琳·韦恩, Chief Executive Officer at 西班牙&E. "This new electric corridor is a great example of how collaboration can create new and innovative ways to rethink how to propel our transportation systems towards electrification."

胡安·贝兹,是 圣地亚哥巴厘岛表达 emphasized the importance of working together in achieving sustainability goals.

"We are thrilled to be working with 西班牙&E in this historic endeavor,” Baez. "By adding electric freight trucks, we are not only reducing our carbon footprint but also leading the way towards a more sustainable future for freight transportation on both sides of the 边境. We're proud to be a leader in this transition and excited about the first ever crossing."

"The historic crossing of this electric freight truck symbolizes 圣地亚哥的 commitment to innovation, cross-边境 cooperation and our binational community,” 圣地亚哥市 市长 托德•格洛丽亚. "We're not just reducing emissions; we're building a cleaner future for the people who live near our 边境 and leading the way on international trade and environmental responsibility." 

The chargers were partially funded by a $200,000 grant through the California Energy Commission's Clean Transportation Program – which has provided more than 10亿美元 to alternative fuel and vehicle technology projects that are designed to deliver health, environmental and economic benefits to communities.

"To accommodate the transition to zero-emission trucks on both sides of the 边境, it's critically important we have the necessary infrastructure," said California Energy Commissioner 帕蒂纳汉. "The California Energy Commission is helping fund projects across the state to build a better and more equitable charging infrastructure system for both cars and trucks."

圣地亚哥县 监事会主席 诺拉Vargas – who is Governor 新闻om's appointee to the California Air Resources Board - emphasized the importance of reducing emissions in 边境 communities while also growing our economy. 

“作为一个拓荒者, I am thrilled that we're moving forward with the use of bold and innovative energy technology that helps reduce air pollution, offers sustainable cross-边境 freight transportation, and strengthens our binational and interdependent economy,巴尔加斯说。. "I know the binational region firsthand, and this is a great example of the kind of public-private partnerships can improve air quality and promote economic prosperity for the binational region. As the Supervisor for 边境 communities, I am proud and excited that we are moving toward a cleaner, greener and more prosperous future."

The electric charging infrastructure is a part of 西班牙&E's Power Your Drive for Fleets program. The program connects fleet operators with resources and financial incentives to easily and cost-effectively design and install charging infrastructure for medium- and heavy-duty fleets. 

西班牙&E is an innovative energy delivery company that provides increasingly clean, safe and reliable energy to better the lives of the people it serves in 圣地亚哥 和南部 橙色 县. The company is committed to creating a sustainable future by increasing energy delivered from low or zero-carbon sources; accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles; and investing in innovative technologies to ensure the reliable operation of the region's infrastructure for generations to come. 西班牙&E is a subsidiary of Sempra (NYSE: SRE). 欲了解更多信息,请访问 西班牙Enews.com 或与可持续发展目标相联系&E on X(原Twitter) (@西班牙E)、Instagram (@西班牙E), 脸谱网.

圣地亚哥天然气 & 电气(西班牙&E)


Humberto Gurmilan, 619.823.0591年,西班牙E新闻.com, X (formerly Twitter): @sdge